This is almost entirely a Mike Lindell story. Steve Bannon calls this the air game. Patrick Byrne has refereed to it as industrial level fraud. The short version is that Lindell and the people working with him say they have evidence that essentially every county in every state endured a cyber attack on election day. He says he has evidence that the attacks came mainly from China, although other axis of evil nations were involved. That’s a big claim. This is what I know of how it came to be.
On January 5th 2021 a reporter named Mary Fanning, along with someone I believe to be Dennis Montgomery were desperately trying to get a hold of the Trump administration in order to share some information with them. They were reportedly begging for programs named Hammer and Scorecard to be declassified. They were unsuccessful. On the 9th, they apparently got a hold of Mike Lindell and provided the information to him. Why Mike? Apparently because he was approachable and had contacts in the White house as well as the means to make a few things happen.
A short while later, Mike released The Absolute Proof This is what I had to say about it on another forum;
“The first hour and thirty three minutes or so covers statements about election irregularities that have come out over the last two months. With one exception, there wasn't really anything new in that part, but if people haven't had a chance to do much research on this, it is a fairly good synopsis of a lot of material. I'll get to the exception and new information in a minute.
At about 1:33 into it, he presents information that has actually been out for a little while but hasn't been widely disseminated. It seems to be tied in with the BLXware website, and that seems to be tie into Dennis Montgomery. Now Montgomery is almost certainly a genius. Depending on who you talk to, he writes software that has been of great value to our three letter agencies and they may have turned that software inwards towards us, or that he makes wonderful simulations that make it appear that his software is great and then bilks people including our government out of lots of money. Which is it? I dunno, but there's enough doubt about him that I would need to see more including the raw data before I bought into what's there. Edited to add on 7/25/21 William Binney an NSA whistleblower has pretty much said that both of my statements could be true.
This is a very compelling story, but it would take a huge effort to collect and isolate as much data as we are being told exists and having the provenance, of knowing who and how that data was collected is as much a part of the needed proof as is the data itself.
The new information that was included in the first part, is Col Phil Waldron's claims (@the 20 min mark) that they now have sworn affidavits that there has been interference with investigations by federal officials. It's the first time I've heard that and it's a really big deal if it proves out. I guess we'll have to wait and see how it goes.”
I just looked at the website and it’s much different than it was a couple of months ago.
Mike later released another documentary named Absolute Interference . Frankly I thought that there was a great deal of needless blather in this presentation, but it featured two people that got may attention. Both were disguised, and the first one told us about capturing WiFi traffic at a Georgia election facility. This could provide real evidence, but they don’t give us all the details. The second guy tells us about the data that he was working with to determine how votes were being manipulated, and where those attacks were coming from, and where they were going. This has now been condensed and expanded in a third video called, Absolutely 9-0. These people are claiming that they have data for attacks in all 50 states and most if not all counties in the country. This would be a massive amount of data. Patrick Byrne has now stated that they have election data going back to 2004. That has to be massive cubed. I would think that to be able to capture that much data on that specific of a subject, you’d probably have to capture huge amounts of data, like all of it, and then you’d need the ability to sort it. That’s a bunch of computer power.
Most of us would need to tap hundreds and possibly thousands of locations to acquire this and I doubt it’s really possible. I’m not sure how many places in the country have the capability of tapping the nations main backbone and absorbing that much information, but the eight taps that the NSA is reputed to have come to mind. How would that info get to Montgomery, Fanning so they could give it to Lindell? Good question. I have heard a reference that Lt. General Thomas McInerney has stated there was a leak. I haven’t been able to run that comment down, but that word has a certain connotation to it. It’s possible that what’s going on behind the scenes is much more involved and complicated that we’ve been led to believe with certain organizations being active participants. It’s also possible it’s all bullshit. Reread what Dennis Montgomery is famous for. I will say this, if he can forge this much stuff, he’s a damned good forger.
Very quickly after the election, McInerney, among others were singing the conspiratorial song. McInerney in particular were talking about rumored government computer programs named Hammer and Scorecard. These programs were apparently running on foreign servers. There was also talk of a server in Frankfurt that was handling election traffic. I initially dismissed this information because although McInerney had a solid career, there have been questions raised about his reliability in years since. The retail fraud theory that I’ve bought into isn’t dependent on information of this nature. Recently, people with associated with the Allied Security Operations Group, who have been at the forefront of these investigations have indicated that both traffic to Germany, and Hammer and Scorecard are real things. I do have a level of confidence in them and this is a part of what keeps me open minded on this commercial grade stuff.
The last thing I’ll mention is the Italy connection. There have been reports that a man who worked for Leonardo SpA, an Italian defense contractor, participated in the stealing of the election. Supposedly he worked with people within the American embassy there to do it. Leonard has military grade encrypted satellites and they specialize in transmitting cellular data. Keep in mind that the voting equipment companies say repeatedly that they don’t connect to the internet. In some cases that’s a lie, but in other cases it’s a half truth. They have cellular modems for communication. This is not technically on the internet, but it is hackable. Again this is not proven but we begin to see how this can fit. Italy also has ties to the earliest days of the Russia collusion stuff and the Popodopolus involvement. We are starting to have a lot of coincidences.
I am not all in on this, but I’m certainly not dismissing any of this either, at least for now. It does appear that the things Lindell is telling can fit with other information we have seen and that’s been well developed. I have seen so many vulnerabilities in our system that the idea that we have different groups stepping on each other seems probable to me. If what Lindell has proves out, this will definitely be the big player operating on an industrial scale.
6/29/21 Addendum:
When I wrote this post, I knew there were other things that needed to be explored, and now that I’ve found some of that information, I’ll try to flesh it out.
In the first part of this, I discussed General McInerny and computer programs by the name Hammer and Scorecard, but I didn’t go into much detail. Hammer was apparently a password breaking program and Scorecard was a program reputed to be able to control elections. The story is that it had been used by the CIA to control other countries elections and now it was being used on ours. The computer housing these programs was said to be Fort Ditrick Maryland, and our friend Dennis Montgomery is most often mentioned as their developer.
I didn’t dismiss this idea, but I didn’t put a great deal of stock in it either for reasons I stated in the Fraud Theories - Retail to Commercial Grade Fraud (1of3) article. The following individual has added some information for us.
Josh Merritt, is a former Army wheeled vehicle mechanic, that has presented sworn affidavits in various law suits as “Spyder”. He has also been maligned due to his military occupation. Merritt, was one of, or the “white hat hacker” associated with the Allied Security Operations Group from Dallas. Most of the early reports of internet traffic being tracked were happening around him and his work. It’s my opinion that there are others involved as well that are not known to us, at least not for now. I tend to listen to him because of his association with a couple of people that I do trust.
On a recent interview he openly talked of the information Lindell says he has and that it came directly from Hammer and Scorecard. He further stated that those programs had been copied and there was a copy now in China and another in the UK. He stated that the source for the data Mike Lindell has, is directly from a backdoor installed by Montgomery. Apparently Montgomery is claiming to have all the data for everything this system has been used for. This is a huge amount of data, but much less than you would have to sift through if you were tapping things directly off the internet. Having access to the machine that was doing the changes would be a very efficient way to see what was happening. Whoever is operating that equipment, would have time to flesh out the target addresses ahead of time and would be able to act fairly quickly. This is all pretty explosive stuff.
There are problems with this however. That’s a lot of data to be leaking and not be detected. If there are three machines running the program, is the backdoor open on all three? Supposed security people online have looked at what’s in the videos and said that it’s BS and that isn’t the way the data would be presented.
If it’s BS, Lindell and many others have their necks stuck way out. Out and out lying, or allowing themselves to be taken in by a lie without solid verification would not go well. Their statements about what they have, the veracity of it and that it has been thoroughly vetted have been unequivocal. There is no room to walk back some of these statements.
I’m still not all in, and I also wonder if this isn’t some type of a misdirection, but at this point what we know may not be that important. The bad guys know if this is nonsense or not, and for now, that’s what matters.
7/25/21 Second addendum:
I still have doubts about the Dennis Montgomery connection. I don't really know if Josh Merritt is feeding us truth, bullshit or misdirection in his comments. Since I wrote the last entry, I have heard another comment from Patrick Byrne, where he alluded to there being several collection points where such data could be collected when queried on the subject. That would seem to indicate the NSA taps. I'm not certain of the data source and I haven't seen the evidence, but regardless, I'm now as certain as I can be that an operation of the scale that Mike Lindell speaks of had to have happened. Edited to add on 7/25 I have seen a video that featured William Binnney, a well know NSA whistle blower who seemed to indicate that it wasn't impossible for Montgomery to have his own taps to the internet. He was not talking about election integrity at the time but rather things that had been seen when Montgomery was giving stuff to Arpio, the Maricopa County Sheriff a few years ago. The data that Binney examined did not have packet captures, and he stated that he'd need those to authenticate the data. He did say that the data Montgomery had should draw some suspicion and investigation into how he got it.
It's the math nerds that brought me here. They have now analyzed pretty much the entire country and have provable and apparently repeatable evidence that algorithms were in play pretty much everywhere. I say apparently repeatable because I can't do it, but others have and I have not seen anything that approximates a good take down of the calculations. Principally, I'm talking about the work of Edward Solomon & Douglass Frank, and now the work of Draza Smith. I'd add that there are dozens of others that have math skills that aren't as prominent or that have been censored and not made an effort to overcome that censorship. Joel, Oltman, Bobby Piton, Dr. Shiva, Seth Keshel and many many others have come to the same or supporting conclusions using differing means. What they have proven has to have a a grand scheme on the order of what Mike Lindell talks about to implement what they have calculated.
This is a thought that I don't want to contemplate, but if Lindell is right and the attacks were coming from China, there has to be a traitor or traitors here that coordinated with them. That person has to have enough political pull to stop operations in several large counties. The connection to that person has to be proven, but I'm pretty sure I know about where to look.