An Update to the Commercial to Industrial Level Fraud Theories Article
In June and July of 21 I was putting together a list of various theories of fraud that were prevalent at the time. On the second installment of that series, I talked a good deal about the PCAPs that Mike Lindell claimed to have, and Dennis Montgomery who was the likely source of such information. That article can be found here:
Mike was to present the PCAP data his cyber symposium that happened in August of ‘21. Lets just say that didn’t go as advertised. During that event, Josh Merritt was apparently telling someone that what he was seeing wasn’t valid PCAP data. According to one version I’ve heard, this statement was overheard by a reporter who made big news of that, which discredited the whole event. In other versions, Merritt went to the media with that claim. I tend to find the first version more credible, but either way, Merritt was branded as a traitor and was instantly persona non Grata in the election integrity movement.
Also during that event, there were rumors that a poison pill was going to be added to the data and that would allow the FBI to make arrests. There was great consternation about what a poison pill is or what form it would take, but I think people that understood the problem were afraid that classified information would be injected and that this could lead to arrests. Let’s just say that all this really caused a credibility problem with that data that has yet to be overcome, and most folks were skeptical in the first place. Myself included.
The symposium did bring us some new information. We had heard rumors of but hadn’t seen that there had been election system drive images made of drives from Colorado. A County Clerk in Mesa County named Tina Peters, had concerns about an update Dominion was going to do to her systems and had before and after images taken of her server drives. Although we really didn’t get much detail of that at the time, it was to eventually become really big news.
I was confounded by this whole event. Under no circumstances did it meet it’s stated objective. Much of it looked like a clown show to me and I wondered how much was theater and or mis/dis information.
I’m not certain just when I become aware of Col John Mills, but it would have been mid ‘21 or so. Mills is a military intelligence type with a pretty respectable history. He’s worked within the White House infrastructure in national security for multiple presidents. In my introduction to him, he described how when administrations change, that the intelligence apparatus briefs the incoming administration about current programs, plans in work for new programs etc. It’s an opportunity for the new administration to choose what programs it wants to emphasize and or continue. There were apparently new and robust intelligence systems that were just coming into being that made it possible to gather and analyze immense amounts of information. The Obama administration was said to be very interested in those programs.
In June or early July of 21 Doug Frank mentioned something about Albert. I did some research on it and what I found scared the crap out of me. This is a private company that works in conjunction with the Federal Governments CISA. Yup the people that say that 2020 was the safest election in history while bad guys are running through government and corporate systems undetected for months. That CISA. CIS, the private company puts the followin right on the front page of their website: We'll put a sensor in your system, bring all your network data to our site and analyze it for threats and send it back. Say what!!!? I looked into it and when I didn’t think that Tarrant county was a customer, I dropped this.
There were problems in Arizona with the audit there surrounding the fact that Maricopa wouldn’t turn over their router logs. Supposedly none of the election equipment is internet connected, but this would have helped determine that. That router was apparently in the sheriffs department and that raised my eyebrows. I had it in the back of my head that there would be some type of law enforcement system, but I never pursued the idea. I looked back on my Facebook page and I had put two cryptic posts as place setters referring to various network connections. They were Albert, Scytle/Edison, SW and PB. I honestly don’t remember what the last two were referring to now.
Also around this time, I’m beginning to see just what information we as the public can get that will help us audit our own systems, because it was apparent that we weren't going to get the type of comprehensive audits we were wanting. I found that Texas laws actually were quite permissive in this regard, but in practice, getting the information was next to impossible. The bureaucrats had in effect changed the definition of just a few words which locked us out from the information we should have had access too. Specifically they conflated the terms ballot images and Cast Vote Records (CVR’s) to mean the same thing as voted ballots, and they interpreted the word preserve to mean the same thing as confidential. In my view this was intentional and we see similar things all over the country.
When I began my work to try and get election information, I was aware of the ballot images, but not of CVR's. I had become aware of the analysis work done by Draza Smith. Draza is a brilliant young woman that analyzed the data provided by Edison research to the various news outlets. The information and analysis she provided were enlightening to say the least. Near the end of 2021 a guy named Jeff O’Donnell come onto the scene and he and Draza did some good work together. At some point they discovered the CVR’s, and that became the main focus of my document mission from that point on. Although this is my main target, I am adamant that the public should have access to all election documents in a timely manner. Through the course of the work in gathering these documents, I have become personally acquainted with O’Donnell, and worked with him. I would not say it’s a close working relationship, or claim any particular special knowledge of his findings. but we are able to communicate as needed about the fairly low level stuff I typically work on.
A little about O’Donnell, who I will henceforth refer to as Jeff. It’s easier to type! He’s a quirky kind of guy that goes by the moniker the Lone Raccoon. I say quirky because he generally has a sense of humor and doesn’t take himself overly seriously. His primary outlet is a channel on the Telegram platform titled "The Lone Raccoon. Jeff may have some quirks and nervous ticks, but I don't think his intelligence or capability should be underestimated. He’s shown remarkable ability to analyze large amounts of data. He has developed some fairly sophisticated software in minimal time, as well as doing web development to accompany those software projects. None of it is real slick, at least in appearance, but it’s all functional and gets the job done. I’d add that most of the people in this fight have suffered from a lack of information management and web development ability, but Jeff has met the needs of his projects in that regard. His and Drazas analysis of those CVR’s has also shown us that there is little doubt of manipulation of the data within the electronic systems.
The images of the Mesa County drives were available on the web, and you would think that a lot of people would have been doing work with them, but apparently that wasn’t the case. Jeff did though. And he found stuff. The simple version is that the software was pretty much keeping two sets of books. Jeff wasn’t yet well known at the time and had trouble getting the word out, but finally he was put in contact with Tina Peters legal team. Eventually a report which is now known as report three was issued, and that should have been the nail in Dominions casket. They should be done. Unfortunately we aren’t living in a rational world.
Due to the work on the Mesa drives, Jeff eventually became a main player on the election integrity stage, and one day at a meeting of some of those folks, the subject of PCAPS came up. Lindell is still having to defend these as legit even among IT professional types he works with. He does claim that he has a person that has validated the information thoroughly, but that has been pretty secretive. There was a real need for additional validation. Most were a bit hesitant to take the project on, but Jeff agreed to do it.
Jeff met Montgomery. He talked to him and questioned him and believed that he was open and forthcoming with him. Remember that I spoke of Jeff’s intellect? Jeff expressed the belief that Montgomery’s is greater and that is after Montgomery had suffered a significant stroke and has had to relearn many basic tasks. Jeff reviewed the data and found it to be credible. He questioned the method of collection and seems to find that to be credible. I’ve only heard a couple of sentences on the subject, but the bullet seems to be that Montgomery leveraged devices that are around us each day for the collecting. To most people this is the most critical detail. I’m now one person removed from Montgomery and that is a person who’s judgment I have come to trust. I understand the reputation and intellect of Montgomery and I do not underestimate the ability of people to deceive, but for now, I’m on the Montgomery/PCAP bandwagon. This is a huge development that actually starts to help tidy up some of these theories.
In May of 2022, Catherine Engelbrecht & Gregg Phillips released the movie titled 2000Mules done with Dinesh Desuza. This documentary, makes it very difficult to deny that there is a conspiracy to commit election fraud that is wide ranging and coordinated.
In August Catherine Engelbrecht & Gregg Phillips held an event they called the pit. Some people think that it was a big let down. It wasn’t originally planned to be televised live and it shouldn’t have been. The public still hasn’t seen the last piece. The bit’s we’ve seen, showed us a report from New York that is beginning to break down how some of the voter registration magic is being done by the bad guys and may start tying some of those loose ends together. There was yet another intelligence type briefing that gave an important perspective, and we started talking about software companies that were involved in our elections, and their direct ties to China. Very direct ties. Like run by Chinese people and information stored on Chinese computers in Chinese cities. Information like personal details of many of the nations election workers including information on their families.
After this event, my old friend Albert started becoming news. There were some pretty good digs on it and I was right that Tarrant County doesn’t seem to be directly involved, but there has been direct agreement with many of the voting machine companies. I haven’t read some of those articles, but the implications are concerning. Actually they are a multi alarm fire. Did someone mention emergency services? I’ve now put a name to the system I knew had to be there and it’s Firstnet. This is a Department of Commerce program that was put together after 9/11 to better coordinate emergency response. Never let a crises go to waste. I haven’t touched on GIS mapping systems that are tied into many election systems, nor our postal service that is almost certainly a big player here. Patrick Byrne and his group have two lawsuits involving the Post Office and my friends the Two Red Pills are breaking information on the GIS stuff and it's postal connections as well as other communication means. There are lots of people digging now.
So lets see where we are. Many of us suspect that there was wide spread election fraud in the 2020 election. Many of us actually now know that it’s always been a pervasive problem. We see indications of it all over the country. That means that there has to be a communication method for machines that are not supposed to be internet capable, at least some of them aren’t. We know many others are. Along comes our friend Albert and our friends Firstnet that get you very close to the target in a great many places. Another attack vector will soon be revealed that I’m not cleared to talk about, but It won’t be a shock to hear it mentioned. It’s not even sexy and I know people that work in the field. We now have several wide ranging interconnected networks that have system access very similar to what Solar Winds had. Remember Solar Winds? The break in that CISA didn’t discover for months? Solar Winds could have been a player here too.
We need a system to manage it and along comes Dennis Montgomery with a story that says he not only knows about the system, but he designed it and he’s aware of the traffic and he captured the data when it happened. That’s an astounding story, an absolutely incredible story, but it’s beginning to become believable. We are narrowing the places that need monitoring to collect that data dramatically.
Col Mills tells us that the Obama administration was very interested in these types of systems. Other people say that he had the system moved and repurposed into a domestic surveillance tool. Various stories involve Obama directly with his AG, Eric Holder, and nearly all indicate that Clapper and Brennan were involved. I'm not bashful about saying it, Clapper and Brennan are as scummy as they come. Montgomery is said to have sent messages to Obama and Biden to ensure they were aware of the situation. If you see your opponents as terroristic adversaries, you can probably justify such a move to your self. Did anyone see Biden’s red speech? How do you think he views you?
Now we have a system that will manage operations like this, networks that will get you very close to the target, election systems that are reputed to be very vulnerable, and we certainly have motive. The desire for control by some and for chaos by others is ample motive. Who pulls the strings? That we don’t have yet, but I think there will be some revelations soon. Personally I think the system is vulnerable enough that there could be multiple actors vying for control. I also can see the control being divided. I have seen signs that political consultants may play a key role in this, although I’m the only person making those statements that I’m aware of.
Where do we go from here? Catherine Engelbrecht & Gregg Phillips will release the last part of their pit demonstration they called the Tiger on Monday to a little wider audience, and before the end of the week it will be public. I will add that Phillips has seemed to dismiss the PCAP story, but he also states that we are in an information war. There were other revelations at the latest Lindel thing that many people missed, and some that I’m sure I missed. I’ll try to bring some of those to the front next week. There are several suits out there, some of which are significant, and I’m quite certain there are more coming. We have enough data coming in now that we will have difficultly processing it, and we don’t know what it will tell us.
We also have not fully examined the Dennis Montgomery/Lindell thing. There is much more to come.
In the mean time, we need data professionals, and we need lawyers.
Fight’s on – let’s roll
in search of
Accuracy, Transparency and Accountability