DailyUpdate 06/09/21
Posted by jsg on Jun 09, 2021 in My Rants, Ramblings & Daily Updates
I'll probably post two or three times today on current events. There's just so much going on and at some point this has to turn into an offensive action. That doesn't mean full on 1776, it means that we will need let the establishment know that the game has changed in no uncertain terms and that we are no longer asleep.
The AZ audit continues to be where it's at. GA sent a representative who was somewhat non committal. His comment was that he wanted to see where the lawsuits they have working are going to go. A rep from the NV GOP was there as well and it's now looking like there won't be a day for the next couple of weeks that some state won't have a representative there. With just a little luck, Maddow has some bad days ahead.
Lawsuits. I've alluded to the idea that I'm pretty certain there's more going on behind the scenes that I'm aware of. That's by design. Folks are laying out their own strategies and are not wanting to tip their hand. I think I've mentioned that there are two lawsuits working in GA over the General election. They were working in concert, but the word was out about a month ago that they split. Garland Favorito is the one that we hear the most about. He is in the media the most and he was behind Ruby's daughter being deposed. I have not mentioned that Ruby has also been subpoenaed to testify as well. While I really like these rats being drawn out into the light, there are people that don't think this is a great idea - at least not for now.
The thought is that they are likely to just take the 5th and not provide anything, also that it would have been better to wait until after the ballots have been fully examined and more is known about what is actually in those boxes to start asking questions.
Two last points and I'll shut up. First, evidence is mounting everyday and legal strategies are being designed and redesigned as choke points are identified. DePerno has pretty much proven that electronic and paper fraud both have occurred. Second, there are lots of suits going on and all of the people involved are not really "helpful". There have apparently been many instances of people volunteering, or taking on issues who's loyalties may well have been more with the establishment. A lawsuit that isn't wel formed and goes south can do a lot of damage. People with lots of power are being challenged, they too have a team and neither side is putting everything in the open. Both sides have lied to you - and me. I'm not sure where all those lies are. Only that we don't have anything near the whole story.