This link is to the Deperno Law Firm. The video at the top of the page was done by one of our new but not very good news networks and it is poorly edited. The information in it should have been front page news on every network in the country.
The guy in the video is showing that the equipment from a particular company doesn't work properly. The card he's using to give it instructions, is the one that was used to get the final results in MI. race where there was "human error". A county worker in Coffee County Ga, also showed that results could be changed, but she used a different method. She also wound up losing her job for doing that. In the video I link to, the results are baked in to the program. There are documents there too that will take some time to go through. The amended suit could fairly easily be a criminal complaint.
This guy is much smarter than most people think he is and he is very low key. He is doing much to protect your country and deserves your support and help. If you go to his home page there are links there to lots of things.