Getting a Little Wierd Lately 07/06/21
The last few days have been a bit strange on the patriotic front. There’s some pissing and moaning among some of the patriots. Some of it is personality. People that are leading this and making big things happen have big personalities and sometimes that leads to clashes. Some people can simply be abrasive. Of course someone as sweet & charming such as myself doesn’t understand how that can be, he says as he ducks behind a wall. I also think that some of these folks are tired. Many of them have been hard at it for more than 6 months now and there are lots of pressure and issues hitting them. The bad guys are after them. The system was never designed to be investigated for fraud and the whole process has to be invented from scratch and it has to be bullet proof. Most of us weren’t naïve and knew there was corruption, but looking at it in the face at this level is something that many folks have wrestled with.
There is a large portion of the citizenry that is screaming for someone to DO SOMETHING!, but of course they haven’t done anything on their own and aren’t so much as opening their wallets to help. That means that fundraising is a continuous problem. Some people don’t understand what the other people are doing with the money they have and that leads to questions. Please keep in mind that while there are some people within government that are looking for solutions to this problem, to date this is almost entirely a citizen led volunteer operation.
There are a half dozen folks that have probably underwritten half of the money spent so far. That statement is a true Wild Assed Guess or WAG, but I think it will work. The other side has almost endless resources. A lot of the money that we have to overcome is our own tax dollars that are being used by faceless bureaucrats to keep us from looking at that which is ours to begin with. Behind them are endless NGO’s and corporate interests that benefit from the status quo. Our side has several millionaires, but no billionaires that I’m aware of.
Some folks, including me want more accountability, but just as our government has a black budget, the good guys need that too. We do not need the bad guys to see everything that is in motion.
We will soon be moving out of information gathering and clearly onto offense. This is a
Citizen led initiative and you are citizens. The power is ours to exercise. Peacefully for now please. More to come.
Give when you can. There are links to DePerno, Shiva, and VoteGA who are all doing good work under links @
PS, DePerno has the goods. I think others do to.