Things are getting good. The left makes fun of Fla regularly for being weird and actually a lot of Floridians make fun of themselves as well. It's looking like that's a good thing. Edward Solomon has pretty much proved that the result of the election was chosen, and then the method of getting there is worked out. He was featured in a video I put up a few days ago. I don't think there are a lot of us that want to watch him go through the details of that, but it's pretty much indisputable. He calls the theory Manifold Destiny, because the results of his calculations are a geometric manifold. People should feel free to use this information and article to further the cause.
The nerds will be the folks that save us, and Draza Smith is a wonderful nerdy young woman with a sense of humor who has excellent credentials in both math and cyber type issues. Draza would tell you that the election wasn't counted, it was calculated, and that it was on cruise control. She has worked out the ratio that she believes was being used in various states to control the outcome. This graphic shows that ratio, and it's expressed as the percent of votes Trump should receive in relation to Biden. In Wyoming, Trump would get 262% of Biden's vote count and in VT he'd get 46%. Anything over a 100 Trump wins, and under a 100 he loses. She thinks that FL had a different initial projection than what's shown here. This is after they made adjustments.
This graphic shows how that would work in three of those states including TX. The data is from the results flow that was sent to the NYT for their news feed. All of these charts will start with wild swings as the first results come in, but then they'll settle in, and if the bad guys are doing their jobs well, the two lines will be close together. They did pretty well here in TX, but in GA they had to fight to make it happen.
Draza thinks that things came apart for the bad guys because FL really blew their plan. The Trump vote was just to heavy there and likely they didn't get the Hispanic vote they anticipated. She thinks they had to readjust once, and then finally lost the battle. With the loss of 29 electoral votes this was a real problem. You can begin to imagine why there was scrambling in some of the other states and why they had to go pretty far in to make things happen. Florida apparently didn't have an organization in place to deal with this, or it was just too big a problem to deal with.
This graphic injects a little humor and a bit of a different view. I don't think this rises quite to the level of proof, but it's pretty darn close. These things just aren't natural to paraphrase Douglas Frank. It is a hugely strong circumstantial indicator that we need to look close. Much closer. I'll venture that there's a lot of people in jail over less circumstantial evidence than this.
As I was writing this up, Draza posted this graphic on WI. It makes a really good example of how they had to scramble after losing FL. Below are her comments on the material.
In the original Facebook post, I added: There would have to be a vote spike right where the change was made and I'm sure I've seen that, but I didn't keep a copy. If I can find it I'll add it, because it would be a great correlation. I no more than hit enter and Draza blessed us with this.
This stuff is real folks. It took math folks to be able to figure out how to do it and it's taking math folks to figure out how it was done. It's going to take true Americans to tell their employees where we go from here. We can't take no for an answer.
This is a link to a video interview were three of the key math people are introduced. It's an hour and a half, but contains the basis for the mathematical argument. The lead in is a corny. MATH WARS: We have the plans to the DOMINION Death Star. (
Editing assistance provided by Devil Dog04. Yes, the Air Force guy was corrected by a jar head he admits as he hangs his head.